Moffitt Services is a proud supporter and supplier of fuel to Texas EquuSearch. At Moffitt Services, our business is providing excellent service not only to our customers, but also to our communities. As we find needs, we partner with local charities and provide assistance within the community. Moffitt stands by its commitment to give back to the community through donations, matching campaigns and direct support.
Never Leave a Family Alone
Roy Moffitt has been a longtime friend of Tim Miller, founder of Texas EquuSearch: Search and Rescue. The organization is dedicated to searching for missing persons by the request of both families and law enforcement, and they never charge for services. Assisting thousands of cases throughout the US and abroad, the organization has given answers to distraught families and provided resources to law enforcement agencies.
Tim Miller knows all too well the heartbreak and trauma that other families feel when a loved one goes missing. His own daughter went missing at 16 years-old. Years later, they found her body in the same patch of land where several other murders had happened—the Texas Killing Fields. Miller didn’t believe the authorities were doing enough work to find the murderer, so he took matters into his own hands, and started investigations as a volunteer search and rescuer.
Driven by his daughter’s injustice, Tim Miller continued investigating other girl’s murders to find similarities between them and his daughter. In the process, several families began reaching out to him for help, as their own daughters and loved ones went missing. Miller solved his first rescue mission for a family within 2 days, after the team put out fliers and did a search mission. The success gave him hope. Miller thought to himself, “Maybe there is something I can do after all.”
After that first successful mission, Tim Miller made a promise to God and Laura, to “never leave a family alone.” He and his community gathered together for meetings, and what started with a few horses soon became a fleet of ATV’s, boats and helicopters. “I thought we’d do like 2-3 searches a year in Texas,” says Miller. “Now we do it in 42 states. We’ve had hundreds of thousands volunteers.” Today, Texas EquuSearch has worked over 2,220 cases, finding 760 victims alive and deceased.
Texas EquuSearch: Every Person Matters
“We don’t get many happy calls,” Miller says. A typical day in the office at Texas EquuSearch looks like answering phone calls from panicked families. The team will ask the family to fill out a report and send a photo of the person. “We always tell families to reach out to law enforcement and let them know they want our help.” Many times Texas EquuSearch can’t interfere with law enforcement, because they’re already doing an investigation. The organization has to be requested or approved to come in on the search. The team has developed strong relationships with detectives who can provide reports, and Texas EquuSearch serves as feet on the ground. “Law enforcement believes in us and trusts us,” Miller says. “Their goal is our goal.”
On November 29th, 2022, a Netflix series called “The Texas Killing Fields” was released, featuring Tim Miller. The documentary tells the story of 35 slain women found among a 25-acre stretch of land between Houston and Galveston, between the 1970’s and 1990’s. One of those women was Laura Miller, Tim’s missing daughter. Netflix translated the show into 30 different languages and showcased it all over the world. “They were after me for a couple of years about making the series and I kept turning them down.” Miller said. “Finally I gave in, because I’m sure I know who murdered Laura even though he’s not been arrested yet.” Already Miller and his team have been getting calls from people who had more information on the investigation.
Now in his 70’s, Miller has not slowed down and doesn’t plan to. “At the end of the day when we don’t come up with anything, we lose a lot of sleep thinking ‘What could we have done better?’” Miller states. “Many times it’s really nothing.” Miller says he’s been to way too many funerals over the years, and isn’t satisfied with the number of people that are still missing.
Moffitt Services and Texas EquuSearch
Tim Miller met Roy Moffitt during a search for two children that disappeared on Father’s Day in Pasadena, Texas. Roy called Tim to ask what he could do to help, and within the hour, Moffitt Trucks showed up to Texas EquuSearch Command Center to fuel everyone’s vehicles.
When the team finally found the bodies of the murdered children—Roy reached out again to Tim saying, “It looks like you need more fuel than you ask for.” The Moffitt team showed up to Tim Miller’s house with two tanks of fuel, gas and diesel—giving Miller an unending supply of fuel. This relieved a huge financial burden for Miller.
“If it wasn’t for Moffitt, I don’t know if we’d be here today.” Miller says. The two became very close, laughing and crying over dinner as Miller shared his experiences. After Roy sold Moffitt and then started it back again, he contacted Miller saying, “I want to help you out more than I did before.”
Miller says it doesn’t matter what case he’s working on, Roy will call him up and make sure he gets fuel trucks to his location. Not only has Moffitt Services taken a huge financial burden off of Miller’s shoulders, but has also blessed Texas EquuSearch with other connections as well.
“I wish there was another word besides ‘thank you,’” Miller says. “If it wasn’t for Moffitt I truly don’t know we would have our doors open today.”