If you’ve purchased a semi-truck for your heavy haul business, you know what an expensive investment they can be. They can be anywhere from $30,000 and upwards, and they are not a purchase likely to be babied. After all, the very purpose of a semi-truck is the transportation of heavy loads. After spending so much money on a vehicle for your business, you’ll want to take care of your truck to increase the longevity of your equipment. Follow our tips below for truck maintenance!
Read the Manual
This may seem silly, but it’s always a good idea upon purchasing a new piece of equipment or vehicle to read the owner manual. There are certain general rules of maintenance and operation, but each vehicle also has unique features. As such, it’s a good idea to read through the manual. Highlight any areas of operation where you have questions. Hopefully, before you purchased the truck, you already knew the ins and outs of its operation, but the manual will certainly help!
Keep a Record
It’s a good idea to keep a record of all truck maintenance and dates. You will likely be doing this in some regard to keep track of expenses for your business’ book-keeping, but making sure to list dates and notes of all maintenance will help you with the early identification of potential issues. Documentation may be boring, but it is critical.
Keep the Tires Fresh
When you’re doing a lot of driving, particularly when hauling heavy loads, you need to keep the tires fresh. bald tires on a semi-truck can have disastrous consequences. An accident with a normal vehicle is bad enough. An accident with a large truck is absolutely terrifying. Keeping your tires in peak condition is a simple way to make sure you maintain control of your semi-truck at all times.
Inspect Vehicles on the Regular
Not only should you keep the tires fresh, but you should be inspecting your vehicle frequently (and documenting, as stated above). Regular inspections will identify maintenance needs, and could prevent future problems costing your exponentially more down the road. You may identify a budding problem, and take steps to solve the problem before it cascades into a series of other problems. Better to pay a few thousand dollars in the present then put it off (or not notice it) and pay several times that later. Prevention is the best solution in so many areas, and vehicle maintenance is no different.
Take Care of Your Team
It may seem odd, when considering truck maintenance, to think about taking care of your drivers. However, they are a crucial part of your business. A well-trained, cared-for team of drivers is invaluable. They will be able to notice problems early (they are the ones operating the vehicles). They will be able to inspect the trucks and give you feedback. Make sure to hire a sharp team of drivers, and you will save yourself future headaches.
For any of your heavy haul needs, contact Moffitt Caswell Southern Trucking. Our qualified team is ready to help you transport whatever you need.